Somerville Community Land Trust Board of Directors
General Community Representatives
Kelly Baker (President)
Mike Gintz (Clerk)
Hannah Carrillo
Jhenny Saint-Surin
Nina Eichner
Lessee Representatives
Daniel Callahan
Emily Ab
Michael Smith
Tara Costiner
Wolf Marnell
Public Representatives
Catherine Porter - Community Action Agency of Somerville (Community Origanizer)
Francisco De La Miyar (Centro Cooperativo de Desarrollo y Solidaridad)
Peter Majane - Winter Hill Bank (Treasurer)
Ben Ewen-Campen - Somerville Ward 3 City Councilor
Bill Shelton - Union Square Neighborhood Council Board Member
Ben Baldwin
Executive Director
Ben brings a wealth of experience with community land trusts and affordable housing, along with an extensive background organizing Somerville communities. Ben was on the founding board of the Union Square Neighborhood Council in 2017, and has been a core organizing volunteer with the SCLT since its founding in 2018. Ben’s career began with the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, a well-known community land trust located in Boston’s Roxbury and North Dorchester neighborhoods. Ben then spent four years developing affordable rental housing in Roxbury at the Madison Park Development Corporation, and he is a graduate of the Tufts Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning program.
Andrés Bueno
Community Engagement Coordinator
Andrés is an experienced housing program administrator with a focus on community engagement, affirmative and equitable access. As a Somerville native, he has dedicated his career to serving the Somerville community. Andrés worked (2018-2023) for the City of Somerville Housing Division within the Inclusionary, Lead Paint Safe Somerville and Fair Housing programs, respectively. Between 2015-2018 he assisted Somerville households facing housing crises secure housing and stabilize tenancies as Program Assistance for the Somerville Homeless Coaltion’s Rapid Response Program. Andrés graduated from Swarthmore College in 2013 and continues to pursue education interests, most recently at UC Berkeley College of Environment & Design and at Tufts University. Yo hablo español.