SCLT Board of Directors Election Results
Thank you for voting in Somerville Community Land Trust’s Board elections!
SCLT is pleased to welcome Catherine Porter and Francisco De La Miyar as SCLT’s Public Interest Representatives and Hannah Carrillo and Mike Gintz as Somerville Resident Representatives. We are excited to have them serve in 2025 for a two-year term.
Somerville Community Land Trust is an independent, community-based non-profit organization. Its mission is to build community power and stability in Somerville by acquiring residences and land and making them permanently affordable. And you can be a part of it!
The situation
Somerville is experiencing an affordable housing crisis. Many people who have lived in Somerville for a long time, or who would like to, can’t afford to. Real estate speculation and development has left many of our neighbors behind.
Our answer
The Somerville CLT uses a community land trust model to promote neighborhood stability. We provide opportunities to all residents regardless of immigration status and work to develop innovative methods to increase homeownership and address our housing crisis.
Learn more about how community land trusts work →
Looking for all the details? Read our recommendations report →